Crown and Bridge Dental Lab in Meridian, Idaho
We manufacture a variety of options for high quality and durable dental crown and bridge restorations for dentists in Meridian, Boise, Nampa, Eagle, and all over the United States.
Our Crown and Bridge Options Include:

Whitecap Zirconia 1200mpa
All ceramic, durable, translucent, and lighter and thinner with a more comfortable fit than other options. This metal free option provides no risk of metal allergic reactions. This gives the closest color match to natural teeth and looks good aesthetically.

Imagine High Translucency Zirconia 800mpa
With high strength and durability, this digitally manufactured option is another metal free restoration. It is good for bridges from 1-3 units in length. It is translucent and its aesthetics are similar to natural teeth.

Porcelain Fused to Zirconia
This is strong, durable, metal free, and has good aesthetics. It is a great option for anterior teeth.

IPS e. Max Crowns
This is one of our strongest and most durable options. It is also metal free with great aesthetics. It is a great option for anterior crowns and short bridges.

PFM + Alloy Crowns
This is manufactured to be strong and stable, but it is not metal free and so not as aesthetically pleasing as our Zirconia and porcelain options.

Full Gold + Alloy
This is manufactured frequently to restore molars and premolars. It is long lasting and won’t break or chip with heavy chewing.

Diagnostic Wax-up Services
At Whitecap Dental Lab, we believe in building long lasting relationships with the dentists that we manufacture crown and bridge restorations for. We consistently provide high quality products and first-rate customer service. We provide a 1-year warranty for all of our products. Call us at 208-318-4171 for questions about our Treasure Valley dental lab services.